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Creative Studies Research Guide

" The more ideas we can think up, the more satisfying our lives will be." - Alex Osborn

About This Guide

This guide is intended to serve as a starting point for finding information on Creative Studies using both electronic and print resources available through Butler Library. The guide also provides a brief introduction to Creativity Studies and highlights the Alex Osborne Exhibit housed in Butler Library. If you have questions about using this guide or need research help, feel free to Ask a Librarian!

About Creative Studies

Creative thinking, innovative leadership practices, problem solving skills, and imagination play important roles in many of today's organizations and communities. Creative Studies research covers a variety of topics, such as creative problem solving, effective collaboration, creativity education, talent development, brainstorming, and many others. The concepts developed and explored in Creative Studies research can be useful in many other disciplines.

Creative Studies at Buffalo State

Researchers at Buffalo State have studied creativity for more than 30 years. Buffalo State offers undergraduate minor programs and graduate programs that attract learners from all majors and fields and is home to the International Center for Studies in Creativity (ICSC). At the ICSC, students are taught approaches that can be applied to educational, business, and industrial settings. ICSC graduates report that the skills and lessons learned at the ICSC have had a profound impact on their lives and organizations. Check out the ICSC website to learn more about Creative Studies at Buffalo State. 

Creativity 101

Created by Buffalo State Faculty at the ICSC, Creativity 101 is a series of videos on the foundational concepts in the study of creativity. To see more of the series, check out the Creativity 101 YouTube channel

What is Creativity?

4 P's of Creativity

Myths of Creativity